How are we doing in terms of open data in Ecology and Evolution? What can we do better? In this talk at the 2021 Canadian Open Data Summit, I talk about the current scenario and the Data Rescue initiative from the Living Data Project.
Quais os princípios da ciência aberta? Quais as contradições? Nesta palestra, levanto alguns pontos para discussão com os alunos do mestrado em ciências ambientais na disciplina Seminários II, a convite da professora Marta Sccoti.
Talk, Concordia University Conference Centre, Montréal, Canada
Biases and gaps are common on biodiversity data, which can have serious consequences on ecological and conservation research and actions, as it can lead to misconstrued hypotheses and incorrect conclusions. This talk, presented at the Annual Symposium of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science, was about the incompleteness of digital biodiversity data at the Atlantic Rainforest and which environmental variables are correlated to it.
Biases and gaps are common on biodiversity data, which can have serious consequences on ecological and conservation research and actions, as it can lead to misconstrued hypotheses and incorrect conclusions. This talk was about the incompleteness of digital biodiversity data at the Atlantic Rainforest and which environmental variables are correlated to it.
Talk, , Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, São João del-Rei - Minas Gerais, Brazil
This talk was part of an academic week of biological sciences at Federal University of São João del-Rei. Here we discussed how we need to use empathy on Science Communication, and how it can help us on our daily political issues.
Session presented at the Mozilla Festival about accessibility in Science Communication. How can we communicate science in unconvetional ways using our senses? Can we make a podcast for the hearing impaired? How can we make videos that can be fun for those who have difficulties to see?
Talk, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia - Goiás, Brazil
This talk was part of 29th Semana do ICB, an annual event promoted by students of Federal University of Goiás. I invited the participants to critically think about what we have and haven’t done about science communication in the last few years.
Talk, Museu do Amanhã, Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
This talk was part of the Camp Serrapilheira, an event to debate and promote Science Communication in Brazil. In this talk I presented the core concepts of open projects and how they can help us promote Science communication and outreach.
In Brazil, SciComm activities are not recognized as valuable work in a scientist’s career. It is also sometimes very exhaustive and demands lots of time. But we know SciComm is fundamental for our progress as a society and it is our responsability as scientists. How can we implement SciComm in our routine as researchers and students?
How can we diversify funding in science? How is marketing related to funding in these new grant requests? In this talk I presented my experience with the crowdfunding campaign for the Laboratório de Ecologia Quantitativa, in 2015.