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Blog Posts

Here are all the blog posts I have ever written. All in Portuguese.


SciComm, talks, interviews in video.



Divulgação científica: pra quê perder tempo com isso?


In Brazil, SciComm activities are not recognized as valuable work in a scientist’s career. It is also sometimes very exhaustive and demands lots of time. But we know SciComm is fundamental for our progress as a society and it is our responsability as scientists. How can we implement SciComm in our routine as researchers and students?

Projetos abertos em divulgação científica


This talk was part of the Camp Serrapilheira, an event to debate and promote Science Communication in Brazil.
In this talk I presented the core concepts of open projects and how they can help us promote Science communication and outreach.

Como Nossos Pais


This talk was part of 29th Semana do ICB, an annual event promoted by students of Federal University of Goiás.
I invited the participants to critically think about what we have and haven’t done about science communication in the last few years.

Data bias in the Atlantic Rainforest: uncovering the elephant in the room


Biases and gaps are common on biodiversity data, which can have serious consequences on ecological and conservation research and actions, as it can lead to misconstrued hypotheses and incorrect conclusions. This talk, presented at the Annual Symposium of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science, was about the incompleteness of digital biodiversity data at the Atlantic Rainforest and which environmental variables are correlated to it.

A Traição das Imagens


Talk at the IV Encontro de Biodiversidade Animal, Universidade Federal de Goiás, about how art and science communication intertwine.

Ciência Aberta com tuítes do Eduardo Cunha


Quais os princípios da ciência aberta? Quais as contradições? Nesta palestra, levanto alguns pontos para discussão com os alunos do mestrado em ciências ambientais na disciplina Seminários II, a convite da professora Marta Sccoti.



Short-term course, ICBS - UFAL, 2015

Short-term course about microevolution, natural selection and evolutionary ecology for freshman of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas.

Mapeando a Biodiversidade: Uma Introdução ao DIVA-GIS

Short-term course, ICBS - UFAL, 2015

“Mapeando a Biodiversidade: Uma Introdução ao DIVA-GIS” is a short-term, introductory course about Geographic Information System with practical application using the DIVA-GIS software. SIG

Divulgação Científica

Short-term course, ICBS - UFAL, 2016

Why Science Communication is important? How we can practice good SciComm with free and easy-to-use tools? What should we avoid? scicomm

Evolução, que peste é isso?!

Short-term course, Museu de História Natural, 2016

What is Evolution about? How do we know Evolution is true? Is there enough evidence? In this course we explore the mechanisms that leads to the diversification of life and the evidences of evolution.

Data Driven Ecological Synthesis

Grad course, Université de Montréal, 2020

I was a teaching assistant in the 2020 edition of the Data Driven Ecological Synthesis course. As described here, it gives “early-career biologists the tools and skills needed to interact with, manage, clean, and analyze data”.

Productivity and Reproducibility in Research

Grad course, University of British Columbia, 2021

Grad level course focused on best practices in Open Science and reproducibility. Students learn about digital platforms and tools to facilitate collaboration, ensure transparency, enable pre-registrations, and implement version control and provenance tracking.
More details about the course can be accessed here.